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How to import your contacts

This post is specifically more targeted to users who are planning to switch from Nokia mobile phones to Android Phones.

First and foremost, a bit of information. All the contacts in your (to be andriod phone) should be and would be synced to your Google account. Yes, all the contact along with Phone numbers, mobile numbers, their personal / official email addresses will be in GMAIL address book / Contacts.

The process would be to EXPORT all the contacts in your Nokia cell phone to your SD Card.

  1. Goto your contacts in your nokia cell phone
  2. MARK all
  3. Choose the option such as EXPORT to SD Card
Most probably, all the contacts might have been exported to OTHER folder in your SD Card. (Technical Note for geeks: All the contacts will be exported in VCF format, a format most commonly known as back ups of contacts in all Email Clients ). Form here you can either choose the option which best suits you.
SD Can be inserted in your new Andriod Phone.
  1. Insert the SD Card in your phone.
  2. Switch on your phone
  3. Go to Contact in your phone
  4. Select option similar like IMPORT CONTACTS from SD CARD
  5. navigate to OTHER Folder
  6. Android would automatically import all the contacts
SD cannot be inserted in your new Andriod Phone.
You have quite a lot of options, like import these in YAHOO / HOTMAIL / OUTLOOK and then from there to your phone.
  1. Combine all the VCF into one VCF by issuing a command in LINUX.
  2. cat *.vcf > all_contacts.vcf
  3. Import all_contacts.vcf into Google Mail.
Let me know if there are any other ways to import your contacts.

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