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Typed an Email in Coded language

Today, I was typing an email about asking something from my fellow responders and by typing some mail, I, by chance, asked them something in truly coded manner. Seem like my coding skills are taking over my communication skills. It is these mess ups that we need to avoid when talking / emailing to humans. They might sometimes, think, that we are a bit less human and more computers. Below is the extract from the mail.

Meeting request

How does tomorrow, Tuesday, 06 July 2010 @ 1100 hours sound?

If yes,
   then I will formalize the meeting by sending the meeting request
   propose your free time in this week.
End if

Needless to say, that I didn’t send this format of Email ;). The line breaks were replaced with commas and a complete sentence was formed. May be it’s the Monday blues that’s causing me to do this.

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