Break free from your social media addiction

Let’s try to implement these 8 rules.

Understand That You’re Being Played

An embarrassingly heavy social-media habit isn’t entirely your fault. “Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter—they’ve all been designed to make you repeatedly use them and check back in,” says Levi Felix, the CEO of Digital Detox, a tech-free wellness retreat in Northern California. “FarmVille was engineered to keep you at your computer.” (After all, if you miss a specific window to harvest your crops, they die.) When you keep in mind that the technology is designed to hold you hostage, you might be motivated to set time limits. (Think of it as buying a snack-size bag of chips instead of the party-size.)

Implement Rules

Vow here and now to stay off social media during meals, when commuting, and when you’re in the bathroom or in bed.

Buy an Alarm Clock

If you use your phone as an alarm, the first thing you’ll do each day is stare into that screen.

Sign Off for a Weekend

A two-day respite isn’t enough to cure you of your habit. You’ll still be anxious when you return to the onslaught of electronic messages, says Larry Rosen, Ph.D., the author of iDisorder ($16, But a little time away from the screen reminds you how nice life is sans status updates. Taking a break unlocks creativity. “When distractions disappear, ideas come,” says Louise Gillespie-Smith, the founder of Create Yourself, a life-coaching company in the United Kingdom.

Check With Purpose

Most of us wander onto social media aimlessly—usually when we’re bored. To cut back, set a higher bar for logging on. Ask yourself, Do I have a specific, positive reason for this? If you can’t come up with one (say, wanting to see a relative’s wedding photos), resist the urge and do something that will boost your mood, like calling a friend or diving into an engaging book.

Be a Tough Editor

Before you post a status update or a photo, question your motive: Are you just trying to prove that you’re having a good time? Is this the fourteenth picture of your baby that you’ve posted this week? If the answer is yes, try chatting with a friend or texting the picture to your mom. You could also jot down your thoughts in a notebook, or if you’re somewhere lovely, sketch the spot. “I call this intra-gramming,” says Felix. “When you really process a place by staring at it, drawing it, and reflecting on it, you can create a long-term memory.” Posting a photo has the opposite effect: You stop thinking about your experience and start contemplating other people’s responses to it.

Respond Off-Line

Did Facebook just tell you it’s your pal’s birthday? Skip the “Happy, happy!” wall post and pick up the phone. If a friend just got engaged, resist the urge to send a tweet or a Facebook message and instead mail a card. Both these actions will be more meaningful to the recipient.

Alter Your Settings

Disable all alerts and delete addicting apps. (That means you, Words With Friends.) When you need to work, block the Internet temporarily using software like Freedom ($10, or Self Control (free,

Many Hats of a Mom

Good food for thought. Check out this article on Real Simple for 8 ways to break your social media addiction. And for those crazies who really check social media in the bathroom (that’s not possible, right?), please stop. That’s just wrong.

real simplePhoto: Jamie Chung

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How to Design for Mobile Layouts

Recently, during a Web Site development project, I came across the need to design responsive layout. The most simplest way one can achieve is to add Mobile responsive meta tags. Details could be read here.

and last but not the least.

If reading is not your forte, add the following META tags in the all your HTML templates, or include them using Server Include / Require

<!-- Mobile specific Metas-->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, maximum-scale=1, initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent" />
<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true">
<meta name="MobileOptimized" content="width">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="MobileOptimized" content="320">
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
<meta http-equiv="cleartype" content="on">
<!-- Mobile specific Metas-->

<!-- Given the option, one could also include the same properties via CSS.-->


/* Class for Mobile View handling */
width: extend-to-zoom;
zoom: 1.0;
width: extend-to-zoom;
zoom: 1.0;
/* Class for Mobile View handling */
