First Pakistani Anti Virus and Recovery Tool developed.

Although I am very much against the Windows system and have opted for Ubuntu system around two or three years back. More details about installing Ubuntu can be found here.(

Official Ubuntu circle with wordmark. Replace ...

Image via Wikipedia

It is the work of those two young bright students who created their very own first PAKISTANI ANTI VIRUS cum RECOVERY software known as “Instant Virus Killer“. They say, their software can detect the virus within 10 SECONDS, yes 10 seconds a USB is inserted in the system.

Windows 7, the latest client version in the Mi...

Image via Wikipedia

Below the video I would like to share in which the Developer

  1. Quick Formats the D Drive (the thing we can only dream about doing it).
  2. install a virus in background
  3. fiddles with the Windows Registry.
  4. and then he restores everything back.

I present the demonstration video here. You do have to bear the accent of the compare. ;). For my international visitors, this video is mostly in URDU.

If you are interested in giving this Anti Virus a go, the First Pakistani Anti virus can be downloaded from the following URL.

As an end note, I am really against Anti Viruses and in particular Windows, because, viruses are one of curses of using windows, but I am dedicating a complete post for the purpose of showcasing Pakistani Talent. The developers have developed this Anti Virus keeping in mind the licensing requirements too. One License will only install on one PC. Obviously, they have monitored the System hardware setting with which they will be restricting the installation.

They should be praised by what they are doing.

Although I am very much against the Windows system and have opted for Ubuntu system around two or three years back. More details about installing Ubuntu can be found here.(